Sunday, July 15, 2012

Interference on the waterfall

Some images of what I have to live with, using the AM loop. Might also be useful for later comparison.

In-channel interference when trying to get Vatican Radio DRM, peaking to -120 dBm. But if we zoom out a bit, we can see that this interferer is periodic in the band.

This interference doesn't experience fading, so it's got to be somewhere close. The antenna is only a metre from the receiver, which isn't too far from power and my desktop. There might be some intermodulation thrown in as well, but I really don't know. I can't exactly reposition this antenna away from potential interferers. Re-orienting the plane of the loop doesn't do anything either, but I wouldn't expect 30 dB nulls from this thing anyway.

Below are a couple more snapshots of 40 m, 20 m, and 17 m, all on 500 kHz DDC bandwidth. The fact that the bandwidth of the interference changes may mean there is more than one source. Or not.

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